
You were made by love
A flesh from God
For nine months inside the womb.
But heartbreakingly
A true knot in your cord
Ended your very life.
I saw how your father wept
Silently when I carried you
Lifeless in the crib
I felt the agony of your mother
When she cast one last look
Before I covered you with a clean cloth.
I uttered my condolence
At the absence of appropriate words
But your uncle said,
Thanks, but this is the will of Allah.
When I shifted you in that cold box
I hope you heard my prayer
That you may rest in peace

And that you will never forget

and never ever doubt that

You are loved and always remembered.



<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/hesitate/”>Hesitate</a&gt;

<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/prompts/doubt/”>Doubt</a&gt;